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In addition to the toolbar at the top of the editor, Blocks exposes a robust collection of keyboard and Markdown shortcuts.


Block level styling is applied by beginning a newline with a Block shortcut. They can also be used to toggle on/off a Block type.

TypeMarkdown EquivalentKeyboardSyntax
Heading 1# Heading 1⌘ ⌥ 1# + space
Heading 2## Heading 2⌘ ⌥ 2## + space
Heading 3### Heading 3N/A### + space
Heading 4#### Heading 4N/A#### + space
Heading 5##### Heading 5N/A##### + space
Heading 6###### Heading 6N/A###### + space
Blockqote> Here's a quote⌘ ⌥ Q> + space


When editing content in a Block you can apply styling to a subset by wrapping a portion of the content or even the whole line. This is useful for making items bold, italic, or highlighting some text.

TypeMarkdown EquivalentKeyboardSyntax
bold*bold* + b*text*
italic_italic_ + i_text_